It's #huntingfamilyfriday again and we are very excited to introduce to you, the Steier family of North Battleford, Saskatchewan, Canada. We 'met' Dad Skyler on instagram and were glad to get an insight into his hunting family life and realized quickly that they are a family we'd love to interview. Dad Skyler (29), Mom Anita (30), and their blended family with five kids spend tons of time in the outdoors hunting and fishing. Dad Skyler told us his favorite seasons are muzzleloader and rifle for deer and moose, but next year he is excited to try his hand at moose archery season.
Dad Skyler
Mom Anita
When asked to describe his hunting family, Dad Skyler makes it obvious he is #HuntingDaddy-proud when he wrote this about each of his kids - The oldest, Bailey, is 10 and impatiently waiting 12 so she can hold tags of her own. Hayden is 9, he is quite the little marksman when we go to the range. He is very proud of his grouping. Lauren is 7 and she has darn good deer eyes. She can pick a deer out in a field half a mile away. Ryder is 5, he likes to come along and eat all the "hunting peppermints" which has become a tradition for us. And last but not least is Quinn, he is 3 and basically my shadow. He goes where I go, he does what Dad does and loves the outdoors. Hot, cold, raining or hoards of mosquitoes, he will be rarin' to go.
Bailey and Dad Goose hunting
Hayden at the gun range
The whole lot of Steier kids are currently hunters-in-training, while Dad Skyler learned to hunt at 7 years old with his late Uncle Henri. Shortly after, at 12, he learned to spear-fish and didn't start bow-hunting until about 20 years old. Skyler explained, "I am an all season hunter, so I equally enjoy being on the ice, up in a tree, in the bush, or on a boat."
Mom Anita just successfully completed her first deer season with a nice whitetail and a doe, each one taken at about 350yards. Dad Skyler told us about his wife, "She has proven herself to be an outstanding marksman and an all around sportswoman."
Mom Anita with her first buck
Dad Skyler explained that his favorite thing about being in the outdoors has greatly changed over the course of his life. He told us that it originally was all about the, "challenge of the hunt; looking for the elusive monster buck or bull depending on the season." After kids, though, being outdoors hunting and fishing has developed into something more for him. "Hunting took on an entirely different meaning for me and has became even more important. I have woken up several mornings to one or more children standing at the edge of my bed asking me to take them hunting! Once I had children it became family time and a chance to teach them something new. It's like they say, "5 am to thanks. 5 am to hunt, already gone!"
Dad and Lauren with her first fish
Quinn and Dad
The Steier family works hard at making an outdoor lifestyle part of their normal family routine, whether it's fishing or hunting. "We make so many memories together as a family. It's wonderful to have no internet, no video games, no cell phones (except for taking pictures) and no outside distractions."
They also rely on the game they kill for their food; eating very little meat that they haven't harvested and butchered themselves. Dad Skyler explained, "I think it's important for the kids to grow up knowing the dedication and work it takes to put food on the table. At the same time, they learn how much fun and rewarding it can be."
Quinn and Ryder fishing
Bailey caring for an injured magpie that she and her Dad found
Dad Skyler is holding out on us for his favorite game recipe - his homemade Peppered Deer Jerky. He teased, "it's the best jerky I've ever had! Can't tell the recipe though, you'll just have to take my word for it."
But he did share that for Moose hunting, he relies on his, "old Johnny Stewart tape deck caller. I don't know what I would do with out that thing." And as for his favorite deer hunting accessory? Skyler told us, "it's my children and peppermints!"
Skyler and moose
Quinn ready to hunt
The Steier family hopes to preserve lessons on conservation and respect to their kids and other hunting families. "Conservation and respect will ensure future generations of hunters the privileges we enjoy now. Every hunter needs to respect the game we chase each day and the land we chase it on. Conservation ensures healthy game populations for years to come."
Little Bailey with Dad's monster buck
As for Dad Skyler's last words of advice, he suggests to just relax and enjoy it...and to "Take a child hunting, they are like rabbit feet- crazy good luck."
Baby Ryder
A very big thank you to the Steier family for giving us a look into their life and outdoor memories - We are proud to list you guys among some of our favorite examples of a #huntingfamily!
The Steier family - Quinn, Mom Anita, Lauren, Dad Skyler, Ryder, Bailey, and Hayden
If you are part of a #huntingfamily and would like to participate on our blog with an interview for #huntingfamilyfriday, please email us at