See how other outdoor families are using and enjoying our products!
“I ordered ‘My First Bowhunting Book’ and it is one of the best books I have found yet. We are a big hunting family and I ordered this for my newborn nephew because you can never start to early. My favorite part is the illustrations. Thank you and I hope there are more to come. ”
Future OutdoorsWoman Elaina explores the pages of 'My First Bowhunting Book'; Minnestota
“This book could not be more perfect for Elaina! She loved the pictures! This awesome book is from ‘The Hunting Daddies’ check them out!!!”
“Our daughter loves looking at her “My First Bowhunting Book” with us! It’s an excellent learning book, for an even better price! And it Shipped VERY fast! What’s not to love?”
Hunting Daddy David and son Peyton; LA
“My kids loved it. I look forward to future editions to the series...Right now my grandsons are literally fighting over the book.”
Kora Lee studies up on bowhunting while sporting our child size tee; PA
“My sister in law picked up your book for her daughter...My eldest son 4yrs old picked it up and won’t give it back.”
Hunting Daddy Stanley and son Harrison; PA
“Reading my first bowhunting book to my 8 month old son Harrison. It’s an awesome book for the youth & it was nice to meet you at the expo in Erie.”
Hunting Daddy Brandon and son Blake; PA
“I just wanted to say what you are doing is awesome! My father raised me with respect for wildlife and the ground they stand on (or fly over). I just had my first child and can’t wait to hand down the wisdom my father handed down to me. And it’s going to start with the books you took great pride to produce. You guys ROCK!!..keep up the great work. Thank you...I am a HUNTING DADDY!”
Proudly wearing our child size T-shirt; PA